By Barry Whitworth As the temperature rises and the ground gets drier, plants in the sorghum family may become toxic. A common scenario for a veterinarian...
By Barry Whitworth A breeding soundness exam (BSE) is a procedure performed by a veterinarian that ensures that a bull has met a minimal set of...
By Marty New Grass tetany, also known as grass staggers, wheat pasture poisoning, and hypomagnesia, is a magnesium deficiency of ruminants usually associated with grazing cool-season...
By Laci Jones Horse owners are eager to turn their horses out to graze and exercise as spring weather arrives, but is their pasture ready? “If...
By Barry Whitworth Under the Animal Drug Availability Act (ADAA) of 1996, the U.S. Congress created a new category for drugs called veterinary feed directive (VFD)...
By Marty New Calving season has started for some and will be starting for other producers relatively soon. Nutritional management of the cow herd is more...