By Andy Anderson It’s August, which means hunting season is right around the corner. Hunters will soon begin to venture back into the woods to start...
Perfect Container Companion By Norman Winter | Horticulturist Author and Speaker After seeing the flowers at the Young’s Plant Farm Annual Garden Tour in Auburn AL...
Whether you’re a seasoned fisherman or a newcomer to the sport, Oklahoma offers a vast array of opportunities to explore its lakes, rivers, and streams. The...
Each spring, Oklahomans can regularly be found listening to the radio or watching the television as weathermen and women report severe weather locations. Counties are typically...
Barry Whitworth, DVM | Area Food/Animal Quality and Health Specialist for Eastern Oklahoma *Article originally printed in the October 2022 issue of Oklahoma Farm & Ranch....
Super from North to South By Norman Winter | Horticulturist Author and Speaker It’s planting season for many and verbenas are high on the list. We...
Barry Whitworth, DVM, MPH | Senior Extension Specialist | Department of Animal & Food Sciences | Freguson College of Agriculture On July 6, 2020, the United...
By Garrett Metcalf It is that time of year when cases in veterinary practices that are diagnosed with EMS or Equine Metabolic Syndrome spike. The reason...
Barry Whitworth, DVM | Senior Extension Specialist | Department of Animal & Food Sciences According to the Mesonet, Oklahoma received some much-needed rain in late April...
Rare Color for Baskets and Mixed Containers By Norman Winter | Horticulturist Author and Speaker The Garden Guy has become completely mesmerized by a bowl of...