Western Housewives New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you love them or hate them, it seems that this time of year you can’t escape them. In all of...
What constitutes a “Ghost Town?” Well, according to some research, ghost towns can include sites in a variety of states, ranging from abandoned to barren, with...
Lameness is one of the most common problems that occur in the horse and that owners will have to address. Many owners have experienced lameness and...
By Everett Brazile III Oklahoma wheat producers looking to increase forage production have a new option for the 2020 season, as Oklahoma State University has released...
By Michael Newell As a Biologist, I value diversity. It measures the health of an ecosystem. There might not be any other state that has...
By Ddee Haynes “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston S. Churchill The words of Winston...
By Bryan Painter There’s aiming for success and there’s adding to it. Oklahoma is in the category of the latter when it comes to cleaning up...
Nearly 40 years ago, late on a Sunday, two young girls spent the evening working with their father in the Oklahoma National Stockyards. “We had gone...
By Michael Newell When the temperatures turn cold and you get a little ice or snow, it is important to think of some of the...
By Bryan Painter SOUTH COFFEYVILLE, Okla. – Torrential rains fell in May, and radish, turnip and cereal rye seeds fell in October over Scotty Herriman’s farm....